Speaking Engagements

Featuring Jeff Ogden

Cowboys, Dolphins & Ravens

Church & Spiritual

Meeting God … Head On

Church & Spiritual

Jeff draws comparisons between the obstacles in his life to that of Gideon’s in the Book of Judges. We have all been chosen by God to become “Mighty Warriors” (Judges 6:12) and to trust in Him to overcome any obstacle that lies in our path.

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Mental Health (& Addiction)

Head On Straight | Mind Games | Mental Notes

Mental Health (& Addiction)

Jeff’s ‘Mind Games’ series speaks to the ever-growing need to strengthen our mental health. As with any other obstacle, we must have the tools to navigate and overcome them.

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Tackling Competition … Head On


In business, the differentiating factor may be the smallest of details. That ‘One Degree of Separation’ can be the difference between success and failure. Experience what assisted Jeff and his success in the NFL

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Attacking obstacles … Head On


Jeff believes there is only one mindset a competitor should have. ‘Maximizing Potential’ is the only thing that is directly under our control.

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Book signings, conferences, speaking engagements


Check our team’s availability for speaking engagements and book signings, by filling out the form below.

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GRIT & Growth Mindset

GRIT & Growth Mindset

In psychology, GRIT is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individual's perseverance of effort combined with the passion for a particular long-term goal or end state (a powerful motivation to achieve an objective).

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Jeff was one of the 99% who achieved his goal to compete amongst the 1%. This endeavor was not accomplished without challenges, obstacles, and pain. His story provides motivation as well as a playbook on how he was able to realize his childhood dream. Through methodical practices, resilience, and passion, Jeff overcame physical disabilities, rejection from every college football program, and the near impossible feat of playing in the NFL. While setting the stage with this triumphant testimony, Jeff’s vulnerability in discussing his current battle with post-concussion syndrome will awaken the soul. Experience how his victories and resolve to overcome life’s obstacles can positively affect and encourage you to Tackle Life Head On!